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Cocoa Flavor FAQ


Pregnancy and motherhood are a time of major physical and emotional upheaval. To help (future) moms get through this stage more easily, we've designed this formula rich in collagen (10g) and active ingredients adapted to their very specific needs.

     🤍 Reduces wrinkles, moisturizes and brightens skin
     🤍 Increases elasticity and promotes healing
     🤍 Reduces the appearance and appearance of stretch marks
     🤍 Reduces fatigue and soothes the nervous system
     🤍 Limits hair loss and stimulates regrowth
     🤍 Remineralizing action

Each daily dose contains 10g of hydrolyzed type I marine collagen (2000 Daltons), for an exceptional absorption and visible results from 4 to 8 weeks. Its effectiveness has been clinically proven.

🇫🇷 It is made in France and comes from responsible fishing.

Compatible with pregnancy and breast-feeding.

-25,00€ + Free delivery
-6,00€ + Free delivery


- Helps reduce wrinkles and fine lines
- Boosts hydration and illuminates the skin
- Increases elasticity to limit the appearance of stretch marks and diminish their visibility


- Limits hair loss and stimulates hair growth
- Restores density and volume


- Reduces fatigue
- Soothes the nervous system to combat hormonal blues

- Promotes tissue healing
- Remineralizing action
- Improves joint comfort


For a daily dose:

MAGNESIUM (Citrate) | 350MG
ZINC (Bisglycinate) | 15MG
VITAMIN B8 (Biotin) | 300μg
VITAMIN B9 (Folic acid) | 220μg
VITAMIN B12 | 10μg

🇫🇷 This product is made in France.
🌱 It is certified GMO-free, heavy metal-free, gluten-free, lactose-free.

🤍 It is compatible with pregnancy and breastfeeding. Ask your doctor for advice before taking any food supplements!

See the full list of ingredients and their detailed benefits.


For visible and lasting results, we recommend 3-month cures. Skin and tissue renewal takes time. In 3 months, the body has time to store and use collagen for longer-lasting effects. But it all depends on your age and needs. If you're older, you may need more frequent cures.

From age 25-30: 1 to 2 cures of 3 months to prevent the first signs of aging, loss of hydration and radiance.

From age 35-40: 2 to 3 cures of 3 months per year to stimulate your own natural collagen production, reduce wrinkles and fine lines, and have an in-depth effect on your skin's hydration, elasticity and firmness.

From the age of 45: We recommend a continuous intake of collagen to fight the signs of aging, strengthen joints and improve bone and muscle health.




An exceptional concentration of 10g

10g of hydrolyzed marine collagen per daily dose, the highest possible concentration. In addition, our formulas combine collagen with powerful active ingredients for tenfold effects.

A highly bioavailable collagen of 2000 Da

A collagen with a molecular weight of 2000 Dalton, the lowest on the market for exceptional assimilation.

Clinically proven results

On the reduction of fine lines and wrinkles, skin hydration and elasticity, hair resistance and natural collagen production.

A unique taste

Delicious cures to make your beauty ritual a real pleasure!

A committed Made In France brand

Our commitments? responsibly caught fish, no controversial substances, eco-designed packaging and the choice of an excellent French laboratory.


How is Les Heures Dorées different from other Apnée cures?

🤍 Its beauty benefits: Specially designed for pregnant women and post-partum mothers, it helps reduce stretch marks and firms the skin.

🤍 Its health benefits: It reduces fatigue and combats hormonal blues. It has a remineralizing action.

At what time of the day should you drink Les Heures Dorées?

To optimize the absorption and benefits of the active ingredients of this cure, the ideal time of day to consume it is in the morning, preferably during breakfast, to maximize nutrient absorption, boost energy for the day, and benefit from the effects of vitamins and minerals throughout the day!

What are the benefits of a post-partum collagen cure?

A postpartum collagen cure can offer several benefits for young mothers, helping to support their recovery and overall well-being after pregnancy and childbirth:

1. Support for skin recovery

- Improved skin elasticity: After pregnancy, skin can lose its elasticity, especially around the abdomen. Collagen can help restore skin elasticity, reduce the appearance of stretch marks and promote a firmer skin.

- Tissue repair: Collagen helps repair connective tissue, which is particularly useful for women who have undergone caesarean sections or perineal tears. It can promote better healing and faster recovery.

2. Strengthening of hair and nails

- Reduced hair loss:
Hair loss is common after childbirth due to hormonal fluctuations. Collagen can strengthen hair, reduce hair loss, and promote healthier regrowth.

- Improved nail strength: Nails can become more fragile after childbirth. Collagen can help strengthen nails and prevent breakage.

3. Joint and ligament support

- Reduced joint pain:
During and after pregnancy, many women experience joint pain due to hormonal changes and additional pressure on the joints. Collagen can help support joint health, reduce inflammation and relieve pain.

- Ligament recovery: Ligaments, which soften during pregnancy to facilitate childbirth, can benefit from a collagen supplement to regain their tone.

4. Improved digestion and intestinal health

- Intestinal wall support:
Collagen can help strengthen the intestinal wall, improve digestion and reduce digestive discomfort, which can be common after pregnancy.

5. General support for energy and well-being

- Faster recovery:
Collagen contains amino acids that support tissue regeneration, which can help with faster recovery after childbirth.

- Immune system support: Better intestinal health and faster recovery can also help strengthen the immune system, important for young mothers.

A postpartum collagen cure can be beneficial for the recovery of skin, hair, nails, joints, and bones, as well as for general support of health and well-being after childbirth!

When should I start Les Heures Dorées?

You can start our post-partum cure after the birth, once you feel ready and your doctor has given you the green light. Here are a few guidelines to guide you:

- First few weeks: Some women start taking collagen a few weeks after giving birth, as soon as they have resumed a normal diet and feel ready to introduce a cure to their routine.

- 3 to 6 months postpartum: Others prefer to wait until 3 to 6 months postpartum, a period when body changes stabilize, and support needs for skin, joints and hair may be more pronounced.

Before starting a collagen cure (or any other supplement) after childbirth, it's important to consult your doctor, to make sure it's appropriate for your personal situation.

Why should we drink collagen?

The benefits of a collagen cure are diverse and can touch on many aspects of beauty and health. Below are some of the main benefits:

🤍 Improved skin appearance.

- Elasticity and firmness: Collagen helps maintain skin structure, and reduce the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles.
- Hydration: It can increase skin hydration, making it softer and smoother.
- Healing: Promotes wound healing and reduces scars.

🤍 Strengthens hair and nails.

- Strength:
Collagen can strengthen hair and nails, making them less likely to break.
- Growth: It can stimulate hair and nail growth.

🤍 Joints and bones health.

- Mobility:
Collagen helps maintain healthy cartilage, improving mobility and reducing joint pain
- Bone density: It can help strengthen bones and prevent osteoporosis.

🤍 Muscle mass: Collagen can help preserve and increase muscle mass, which is particularly beneficial as we age.

🤍 Digestive health, intestinal lining: Collagen can help maintain a healthy intestinal lining, improving digestion and reducing symptoms of intestinal disorders.

What type of collagen is used in this formula?

🤍 All Apnée formulas contain marine collagen, as it is the most similar to human collagen.

🤍 Our collagen is hydrolyzed (also known as collagen “peptides”) and has the lowest molecular weight available on the market: 2000 Daltons, for optimal assimilation by the organism.

🤍 It is a type I collagen.

At what age should I start taking collagen cures?

It is generally recommended to start drinking collagen from the age of 25-30, as natural collagen production begins to decline at this age. However, some people may choose to start earlier or later, depending on their individual needs, health and beauty goals.

So there's no hard and fast rule about the right age to start taking collagen, but here are some general considerations:

- From age 20-30: Natural collagen production begins to decline in your twenties. Cures can be started at this time to maintain healthy skin, hair and nails.

- From age 30-40 and over: Collagen depletion becomes more significant, and cures can help combat the visible signs of aging, such as wrinkles and joint pain.

How do I get a smooth and homogeneous mix?

- Pour your stick into a cup/glass.
- Add a few drops of the liquid of your choice, then stir vigorously.
- Once you've obtained a homogeneous mixture, top up your drink with the remaining liquid of your choice.



Your best post-partum health and beauty ally! This formula contains 10g of collagen, the highest possible concentration. It helps maintain skin elasticity and firmness. It helps reduce stretch marks.

🤍 Its molecular weight is 2000 Dalton.
🐟 It is a Type I collagen, from sustainable fishing.


An antioxidant bomb, raw cocoa contains four times more antioxidants than conventional cocoa, and far more than acai, pomegranate or green tea! It's also a real super-food for morale, thanks to the serotonin and magnesium it contains.


It helps to reduce fatigue, regulate the nervous system and relax muscles 🤍

Magnesium's less well-known asset: its role in weight loss. It helps regulate appetite and redistribute calories into energy. This essential mineral will help you maintain your weight.

In this formula, the Magnesium is in the form of citrate, which is highly bioavailable.


A powerful regenerator of scar tissue, it boosts healing and is highly beneficial to the beauty of skin and hair.

Zinc is in bisglycinate form, for high bioavailability 🤍

VITAMIN B8 | Biotine, 300μg

Strengthens hair and nails.

VITAMIN B9 (Folic acid) | 220μg

It helps reduce fatigue. It is essential to the proper development of the embryo and the formation of its nervous system. Combined with vitamin B12, it helps reduce the risk of congenital anomalies in the fetus.

VITAMIN B12 | 10 μg

It helps reduce fatigue and boosts the immune system. Combined with vitamin B9, it helps reduce the risk of congenital anomalies in the fetus.


For guilt-free sweetness! 🤍

Conseils d’utilisation

Précautions d'emploi

Précautions d'emploi

Tenir hors de portée des enfants. Ce complément alimentaire doit être utilisé dans le cadre d’un mode de vie sain et ne pas être utilisé comme substitut d’un régime varié et équilibré. Demandez conseil auprès de votre médecin avant toute prise de compléments alimentaires.


1 stick a day, mixed with 15cl of water or hot (for better dilution), or cold milk. You can also mix it into yoghurt or smoothies!

✨ The team's favorite version: We mix with 10cl water and 5cl oat milk.

You can also complement your cure with 2 Omega 3 capsules.


For visible and lasting results, we recommend following a 3-month marine collagen cure.


This food supplement should be stored in a cool and dry place, protected from light.


Keep away from children. This food supplement should be used as part of a healthy lifestyle and not as a substitute, for a varied and balanced diet. Please consult your doctor for advice before taking any food supplements!

Customer Reviews

Based on 11 reviews
Goût très désagréable

Le goût marin est très prononcé et me donne des nausées malheureusement….pourtant je pense qu’Il est efficace mais ce n’est pas un moment de plaisir!

Bonjour Claire-Anne,

Je suis navrée d'apprendre que vous rencontrez des problèmes avec notre formule Baby Love.

Vos commentaires sont très précieux, et je tiens à vous assurer que nous sommes actuellement en train de lui refaire une beauté :)
Nous travaillons avec des professionnels de la santé pour garantir une composition optimale, intégrant les meilleurs éléments pour cette période délicate du post-partum.

Pour rendre la cure plus agréable, je vous recommande de la mélanger à une tisane ou, si vous le préférez, à un yaourt pour atténuer le goût.

Je reste à votre écoute,

Belle journée

Marion R.

Tellement fan de cette cure ! Je l'ai démarré au lendemain de la naissance de mon fils, cela fait 7 semaines maintenant. Je sens ma peau repulpée, mon teint est frais malgré les nuits écourtées. Je recommande à 100% !

Merci d'avoir pris le temps nous laisser votre avis Marion! Nous sommes ravies de lire que vous avez constaté tant de bienfaits sur votre peau et votre teint ! :)

Sophie G.

Incroyable ! Post partum à la peau FACILE alors que la mienne est ultra réactive normalement
J’ai commencé un mois avant d’accoucher et ma petite va avoir 3 mois et tout est ok
Je continue encore un mois et le recommandé à toutes les mères

Merci Sophie de prendre le temps de nous partager votre expérience avec Baby Love ainsi que cette superbe photo ! Nous sommes heureuses d'entendre que vous aimez les résultats de la cure sur votre peau ! C'est un réel plaisir de vous lire et de savoir que vous êtes satisfaite !

Mélissa B.

Le goût est indicible, très poudreux et très compacte, je n’arrive pas du tout à m’y faire. Je n’ai d’ailleurs réussi qu’à en prendre 2 et ensuite j’ai laissé tomber. Dommage que ce produit ne soit pas « satisfait ou remboursé » car c’est la première fois que cela m’arrive ( je n’ai jamais été déçu d’une autre marque de collagène auparavant )….

Clara M.

Étant déjà cliente et fan de Apnée « L’amour à la plage » j’avais hâte de pouvoir commencer « Baby love » suite à la naissance de ma petite fille.
Je trouve le goût très doux et délicieux.
Je réécrirai dans un mois, une fois que les résultats seront visibles :)

Merci d'avoir pris le temps de nous partager votre avis Clara ! Quel plaisir de le lire ! Nous avons hâte d'avoir votre retour sur les résultats :) !


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